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Issue (198) of the Official Gazette (Palestinian Gazette)

Issue (198) of the Official Gazette (Palestinian Gazette)


The Diwan of the Official Gazette issued on the 2hth of January 2023, issue (198) of the Official Gazette (Palestinian Gazette). The issue included eight sections that were listed according to the authority that issued each legislation.

The Chief of the Diwan Reem Abu Al-Rub indicated that the issue contained legislation that was listed based on the authorities that issued each legislation, as the issue included decrees by law, presidential decisions, regulations issued by the Council of Ministers, ministerial instructions, and decisions, decisions of the Supreme Constitutional Court, and judicial rulings, in addition to ads.


The Bureau is keen to provide the issue to citizens as soon as they are issued in electronic form on the Bureau's website, in addition to the paper version that can be obtained by attending the Bureau's office.